Keep Calm and Love yourself

I never know when I am going to feel guided to write a blog, but I trust all is as it should be and when the divine timing comes, it happens. Today was one of those days. I follow synchronicity or I should say Synchronicity follows me! The more signs we see and acknowledge, the more they show up. Life always amazes me and life is never a dull moment! I have been feeling a shift and somehow sense that a change is coming with new beginnings. Perhaps my upcoming Jamaica solo trip will bring me some awareness. I’m counting on it! Something so healing about those Caribbean waters. I’m constantly feeling drawn to return.

So yesterday on Cinco De Mayo I had plans to meet up with friends, but one got very ill and we cancelled. I went out to the garage to drive over and see a musician friend of mine and saw a flat tire, ugh! Anytime my car acts up, it brings me anxiety. Something about lack of control! Who me? Fears lack of control?!?!. Why yes, yes I do. Road side service is my hero though and I arrived a tad late, but enjoyed myself. So what part of my life was feeling flat or needed air? Our vehicles always represent aspects of our emotional states. I know that something has been lurking just under the surface of my emotional self. The weekend had been extremely busy and fun with what I call friends and family who follow a favorite band of ours. Didn’t spend a great deal of time alone. The dinner alone and listening to music was a nice ending to my weekend.

Upon waking up, took the vehicle down to have tire fixed; only to find out it wasn’t repairable due to where the nail was. Under warranty, so that was done and I was on my way. I made a quick decision to stop at QT on the way to see a client to get gas. I always get it AFTER I see her. As I was filling up with gas…hmnn filling my soul with much needed recharge? Another aha thought! I saw two cars side by side parked in front of the QT doors. Here steps in the synchronicity! First car had CLM3339 with Love on the window. The second car had CML4933 and AAL (all about love?) on the fender. Most people who have known me for awhile know that 333 is my number which I get all the time! One owner came out and drove off. I was still in too much awe to make contact and point out the coolness of what happened to her or the other driver. Another special thing for me is my love of birds, first the Dove and also the Hawk. Hawk is messenger and when he shows up, I pay attention. I left the QT and headed to Trader Jo’s still pondering my message. I get out of the car, look up (don’t ask me why, it happens a lot, lol) and see two hawks circling me. In fact, two types circling together. My astonishment at this sight along with the prior synchronicity really had me pondering. I am always so amazed at life and the journey that I walk. There is never a time that I feel unblessed. Being the two time cancer survivor I am, keeps me living my life as passionately and joyful as possible; not hard to do for me. Waking up is always a gift! Waking with my sweet Rescue Boxer Pit Chelsea always brings a smile and a kiss, thus extra fun!

So, what was this message to me? What has been on my mind lately? Have I been walking my path as I was meant to? Being interviewed on a radio show about my gifts on Saturday brought a comment from the Host. “Pam, I believe you to actually be an introvert. What I mean is, yes you are social but that’s a choice you make at times. I follow you a lot and when you share your journeys and adventures, you are always alone”. Hmnn, something to consider but as I was told, I make friends everywhere I go, so I can’t say I’m an introvert. Perhaps I am both and extrovert and an introvert? Is that even possible? Well, pondering the message today, it was pointed out that perhaps the CLM meant calm. It certainly does make sense. I had been thinking about the introvert thing and being alone. Of course, alone doesn’t mean lonely. Life is too short to feel lonely. While sitting in the quiet I heard the phrase” Keep Calm and love yourself”! Aha, by George I think I have it! Life is about love, love of others, but first we must fill ourselves up (i.e. the fuel) and once we do that, we can love others, help others, and help ourselves. The calm came when I was reminded of this via the messages today. The two hawks, although different, were soaring together and enjoying the ride, but each had their own wings to get them flying.

So I share my reminder with all of you. I think that I shall keep calm and love myself. Then I can share that love with all of you.
